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Ajung Moon

Ajung Moon copyAjung Moon is a Founder and Director of Open Roboethics Institute (ORi) — formerly known as the Open Roboethics initiative — an internationally renowned think tank that has been spearheading active discussions of ethical, legal, and societal issues of robotics and intelligent machines since 2012. She was a Vanier Scholar at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and a thought leader in roboethics and human-robot interaction (HRI).

As a mechatronics engineer with over 8 years of research experience in robotics, robot ethics and HRI, she has been heavily involved in the shaping of global standards and policy that pertain to artificial intelligence and autonomous systems. She is an Executive Committee Member of the IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems. She serves as a panelist on the International Panel on the Regulation of Autonomous Weapon Systems, and has presented at the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) Meeting of the States Parties on the global public sentiment on lethal autonomous weapon systems.

Within this IEEE initiative, she founded and has been co-chairing the Committee on Embedding Values into Autonomous Intelligent Systems. As a chairwoman, she leads the group of thirty global thought leaders to identify key issues and help develop standards that pertain to the design/deployment of autonomous intelligent systems.

“Business & Innovation in Technology: Global Game Changers Disrupting the Norm”
Friday Luncheon May 5th

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